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zurubu.com: The more you read the Bible...
Posted in: Faith | by Brian | 2016 Nov 24
Read the Bible
I had a desire to know God better and struggled for many years, but there was one thing I wasn't doing that I needed to do!

It was as simple as picking up a book and reading it. These days there are how-to books on every subject imaginable including ones on knowing God and developing a greater level of faith, but why is it so difficult to go right to the source of truth and knowledge? The Bible.

In our current time when we have everything done for us, we think the Bible is so old it doesn't have any relevance to the world we live in today. We may also think the Bible is so big, how can I start to understand what I need to know?

The task of knowing what the Bible has to say is not as hard as we might think.

If you are a beginner just starting, the best place to start is with the book of John in the New Testiment.
John 1:1- John 2:1- John 3:1- John 4:1-

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