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zurubu.com: What is SIN really?
Posted in: Faith | by Brian | 2019 Aug 15
Not Trusting God
The world's view of sin is in degrees of doing something bad, like stealing or telling a lie. They believe that the punishment for sin is based on a sliding scale. (The greater the sin, the greater the punishment.) This can't be further from the truth!

In the beginning God created humans to have a perfect relationship with Himself. A relationship based on trust. When God told Adam and Eve to never eat from a certain tree, all they needed to do was to trust God and do as He said. But Eve listened to the devil and trusted the lie instead of God's word.

Abraham was counted as righteous by his faith (trust) in the infalible powers of God. Job trusted God, even when he lost everything around him.

Sins and their root cause
murder: not trusting that God can get you out
killing: not trusting that God can get you out
adultery: not trusting that God can make things right
lying: not trusting that God can get you out
stealing: not trusting that God can provide
fornication: not trusting that God has someone for you
laziness: not trusting God to build your character

What else are you not letting God do in your life to prepare and equip you for a life in heaven for eternity?

If you study the Bible, you will start to understand what it really means when you sin. The message of the Bible has been one of the fall of man and God's plan to restore (reconcile) the human race through Jesus.

Do you trust God?
[ finding true faith ]

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