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zurubu.com: How to be an Overcomer
Posted in: Faith | by Brian | 2019 Dec 20
The Full Armor of God
The Bible gives us many examples of people who sinned. It is not because it was saying ”go and do likewise”, but as an example of how to be an overcomer. The Bible itself gives us everything we need to do this. As a Christian, we still struggle with sin, but as in the example of the woman caught in adultry, Jesus said ”go and sin no more”.

1 Cor 10:13 is a verse everyone needs to memorize, because it will help us to resist temptation when we are faced with it. The Bible says to put on the full armor of God! That is His Word the Bible. When we are weak, He is our strength! We cannot do it apart from God's help! If we seek God with all our heart, He will help us.. It all starts with reading God's word...

Please follow the Bible references on this site for more on this subject.
[ temptation ] [ works of the flesh ] [ fruit of the Spirit ]

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