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zurubu.com: Christian facing subtle targeting in Eastern Uganda
Posted in: News | by Open Doors | 2017 Aug 21
Christians flee Sinai
Edith, 40, is being targeted because she is a Christian. Most Ugandans are Christian, but Edith resides in a region in eastern Uganda, where most of the Muslim population resides. Through Uganda’s decentralized system of government, the area has become essentially a self-governed sharia fiefdom.

Edith, who lives in the Busoga district, needs us to stand alongside her before God’s throne of grace. A local sheikh found one of her goats grazing in a nearby field and broke its leg. This is the second animal belonging to Edith that he has harmed in this way. The sheikh is influential—he practices witchcraft and rules the area through intimidation. This reality has deterred Edith from reporting the incidents, knowing that officials would be too scared to seek justice for her. Ethiopia’s federal right to religious freedom, which is guaranteed on paper, is not always practiced. Pray for the Lord’s protection over Edith and that she will have the grace to courageously continue living for Him despite the pressures and intimidation she faces.

Father of the fatherless and protector of widows, we call on You today to hear the cries of Your servant Edith. Be her advocate in a local justice system that is ruled by intimidation. Protect her flock of goats and protect her heart from becoming hopeless. Give her daily strength from Your Word to live as unto Christ in the face of pressure and intimidation. As she courageously lives for You, cause the light of Christ to be reflected in her life to a community in great need of the gospel, that many might turn to You in faith. In the name of Jesus, the Word who became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1). Amen.
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